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Queen of Spain Fritillary

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English: Queen of Spain Fritillary
Nederlands: Kleine parelmoervlinder
Français: Petit nacré
Deutsch: Kleiner Perlmutterfalter, Kleiner Perlmuttfalter
Español: Sofía
Scientific: Issoria lathonia
Location: Italy, Sicily, Catania, Ragalna
Captive/cultivated: No
Camera: NIKON D7200, Lens: 18.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-6.3, Exposure time: 2000sec., f-Stop: f/8.0, ISO Value: 800

Marcel van der Sluis
(Non, Actinotes, and Fritillaries, Animales, Animalia, Animals, Animaux, arácnidos y crustáceos, Argynnini, Arthropoda, Arthropodes, Arthropods, Artrópodos, Beasts, Bichos, Brush-footed Butterflies, Brushfoot Butterflies, Brushfoots, Bugs, Butterflies, Butterflies and Moths, Butterfly, Catania, Caterpillars, Critters, dagvlinders, Dragoncitos de lodo, Edelfalter, Fauna, Fluginsekten, Flying Insects, Four-footed butterflies, Fritillaries, Fritillaries and Longwings, Fritillary, Geleedpotigen, Gevleugelde insecten, Gliederfüßer, hawkmoths, Heliconians, Heliconians or Longwings, Heliconiinae, Hexapoda, Hexapoden, Hexapodes, Hexápodos, Hexapods, Insecta, Insecten, Insectes, Insectos, Insectos alados, Insekten, Issoria, Issoria lathonia, Italy, Kerbtiere, Kerfe, Kleine parelmoervlinder, Kleiner Perlmutterfalter, Kleiner Perlmuttfalter, Lepidoptera, Lepidopterans, Lépidoptères (Papillons), Lepidópteros, Leps, Mariposas Apolo, Mariposas diurnas, mariposas organillo, Mariposas patas de cepillo, Mariposas y polillas, Nacrés, Nymphalidae, Orugas y azotadores, Papilionoidea, papillons et papillons de nuit, Parelmoervlinders, parelmoervlinders en zandoogjes, pasionarias y parientes, Passionsblumenfalter, perladas y parientes, Perlmutterfalter, Perlmuttfalter, Petit nacré, Polillas, Pterygota, Ptérygotes, Queen of Spain Fritillary, Ragalna, Schmetterlinge, Schoenlappers, Schubvleugeligen, Sechsfüßer, Sicily, Sofía, Tagfalter, Varmints, Vermin, Vlinders, Weekdieren, Weichtiere, Winged and Once-winged Insects, Winged Insects, Zespotigen