
English: Painted Antnest Frog
Nederlands: -
Français: Lithodyte rayé
Deutsch: -
Español: Rana selvática listada, Rana terrestre rayada, Sapito Terrestre Listado
Scientific: Lithodytes lineatus
Location: Peru, Cusco, Provincia de Calca, Quebrada Honda
Captive/cultivated: No
Camera: C6903, Lens: , Exposure time: 30sec., f-Stop: f/2.0, ISO Value: 250
- Author
- Paul van der Sluis
- Created on
- Saturday 15 August 2015
- Posted on
- Tuesday 11 April 2023
- Tags
- Adénomères et Lithodyte, ajolotes y atepocatas, Amfibieën, Amphibia, Amphibians, Amphibien, Amphibiens, Anfibios, Animales, Animaux, anoures, Anura, Anurans, Atepocatas, Backboned Animals, Beasts, Bloemdieren, Blumentiere, Chordadieren, Chordata, Chordates, Chordatiere, Chordés, Cordados, Craniates, Critters, Cusco, Dragoncitos de lodo, Fauna, Fishes and Tetrapods, Flower Animals, Forg, Frogs, Frogs and Toads, Froschlurche, Gewervelden, Gnathostomata, Hydrolaetares, Kikkers, Leptodactyles, Leptodactylidae, Leptodactylinae, Lissamphibia, Lithodyte, Lithodyte rayé, Lithodytes, Lithodytes lineatus, Lurche, Painted Antnest Frog, Peru, Provincia de Calca, Quebrada Honda, Rana selvática listada, Rana terrestre rayada, Ranas, Ranas espumeras, Ranas y sapos, ryggstrengdyr, salamandras y cecilias, Sapito Terrestre Listado, Southern Frogs, Varmints, Vermin, Vertebrados, Vertebrata, Vertebraten, Vertebrates, Vertébrés, virveldyr, Wirbeltiere
- Albums
- Natura / Animalia / Vertebrata / Other
- Visits
- 22872