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Domestic Sheep

3963090550765010000000665500033400427000000005713000_02.JPG Red KiteMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern WarthogRed KiteMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern WarthogRed KiteMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern WarthogRed KiteMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern WarthogRed KiteMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern WarthogRed KiteMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern WarthogRed KiteMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern Warthog

English: Domestic Sheep, Ewe, Feral Sheep, Lamb, Ram, Sheep
Nederlands: Schaap
Français: Mouton, Mouton Domestique
Deutsch: Hausschaf
Español: Borrego Doméstico, Oveja
Scientific: Ovis aries
Location: Iceland, South, , Hveragerdi
Captive/cultivated: Yes
Camera: NIKON D7200, Lens: 18.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-6.3, Exposure time: 250sec., f-Stop: f/14.0, ISO Value: 400

Marcel van der Sluis
Aangemaakt op
zondag 19 juni 2022
and Allies, and Cutworm Moths and Allies, and Goat-Antelopes, and Sheep, Animales, Animaux, Antelopes, antílopes, Antilopinae, Antilopinés, Artiodactyla, Artiodactyles, Artiodactyls, Artiodactyls and Cetaceans, Backboned Animals, bisontes y parientes, Borrego Doméstico, Borregos, borregos y parientes, Bovidae, Bovidés, Bovids, cabras, Cabras y Ovejas, Caprines, Caprini, Caprinos, Caprovines, Carnivorans, Cattle, Cetartiodactyls, Chordadieren, Chordata, Chordates, Chordatiere, Chordés, Civets and Allies, Cordados, Craniates, Critters, Domestic Sheep, Dragoncitos de lodo, Even-toed Hoofed Mammals, Even-toed Ungulates, Even-toed Ungulates and Cetaceans, Evenhoevigen, Ewe, Fauna, felinos y parientes, Feral Sheep, Fishes and Tetrapods, Gazelles, Gewervelden, Gnathostomata, Goats, Goats and Sheep, Hausschaf, Herkauwers, Höhere Säugetiere, Holhoornigen, Hoofed Mammals, Hornträger, Hveragerdi, Iceland, Lamb, Laurasiatheria, Laurasiatherians, Laurasiathériens, Mamíferos, Mammalia, Mammals, Mammifères, Marsupiales y placentarios, Mouton, Mouton Domestique, Oveja, ovejas, Ovicaprids, Ovines, Ovis, Ovis aries, Paarhufer, Paarzeher, Paarzehige Huftiere, Paridigités, Placentadieren, Placentaires, Placental Mammals, Placentalia, Placentals, Placentarios, Plazentatiere, Ramphastos, Raubtiere, Rinderartige, Rumiantes, Ruminantia, Ruminants, ryggstrengdyr, Säugetiere, Schaap, Schafe, Sheep, South, Theria, Therians, Thériens, True Ruminants, Ungulates, Vacas, Varmints, Venados, Vermin, Vertebrados, Vertebrata, Vertebraten, Vertebrates, Vertébrés, virveldyr, Wiederkäuer, Wild Sheep, Wildschafe, Wirbeltiere, Ziegenartige, Zoogdieren

EXIF Metadata

2022:06:19 10:45:01