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Domestic Cattle

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English: Beef Cattle, Bull, Bullock, Cattle, Cow, Dairy Cow, Domestic Cattle, Domestic Cow, European Cattle, Feral Cattle, Heck Cattle, Heifer, Hereford, Long horn, Ox, Scottish cattle, Steer, Taurine Cattle, Wild Cattle
Nederlands: Gedomesticeerd Rund, Gedomesticeerde Koe, Heckrund
Français: Vache Domestique, Veche
Deutsch: Hausrind, Rind
Español: Ganado vacuno, Vaca
Scientific: Bos taurus
Location: Netherlands, Groningen, Gemeente Veendam, Veendam
Captive/cultivated: Yes
Camera: NIKON D70s, Lens: 18.0-70.0 mm f/3.5-4.5, Exposure time: 250sec., f-Stop: f/8.0, ISO Value: 400

Marcel van der Sluis
(None, Afrotheria, Afrotherians, Afrothériens, and Taurine-Antelopes, Animales, Animalia, Animaux, Antelopes, antílopes, Antílopes Taurinos, Artiodactyla, Artiodactyles, Artiodactyls and Cetaceans, Backboned Animals, Beasts, Beef Cattle, bisontes y parientes, Bloemdieren, borregos y parientes, Bos taurus, Bosklauwieren, Bovidae, Bovidés, Bovids, Bovinae, Bovine, Bovines, Bovini, Búfalos y Vacas, Buffaloes, Bullock, cabras, Carnivorans, Cattle, Cattle and Bison, Cattle and Yaks, Cetartiodactyls, Chevêches, Chordadieren, Chordata, Chordates, Chordatiere, Chordés, Cordados, Cowbirds, Craniates, Critters, Dairy Cow, Domestic Cattle, Domestic Cow, Doxocopa, Dragoncitos de lodo, Drongos (Familie), Eigentliche Rinder, European Cattle, Even-toed Hoofed Mammals, Even-toed Ungulates, Even-toed Ungulates and Cetaceans, Fauna, felinos y parientes, Feral Cattle, Fishes and Tetrapods, Flower Animals, Ganado vacuno, Gazelles, Gedomesticeerd Rund, Gedomesticeerde Koe, Gemeente Veendam, Gewervelden, Gnathostomata, Gnawing Mammals, Goats, Groningen, Hausrind, Heck Cattle, Heckrund, Heifer, Hereford, Herkauwers, Hoatzine (Ordnung), Höhere Säugetiere, Holhoornigen, Hoofed Mammals, Hornträger, Imparidigités, Kelp Gull (vetula), Laurasiatheria, Laurasiatherians, Laurasiathériens, Long-horned Grasshoppers, Madenhacker (Fam.), Mamíferos, Mammalia, Mammifères, Marsupiales y placentarios, Merops bullockoides, Metatherians, Netherlands, Onevenhoevigen, ovejas, Oxen, Paarzehige Huftiere, Placentadieren, Placentaires, Placental Mammals, Placentalia, Placentals, Placentarios, Plazentatiere, Raubtiere, Rindenspringspinne, Rinder, Rinderartige, Rollers And Allies, Rumiantes, Ruminantia, Ruminants, runderen, ryggstrengdyr, Säugetiere, Scottish cattle, Sheep, Steer, Taurine Cattle, Taurines, True Ruminants, Ungulates, Unpaarhufer, Unpaarzeher, Vaca, Vacas, Vacas y Toros, Vache Domestique, Varmints, Veelpotigen, Veendam, Venados, Vermin, Vertebrados, Vertebrata, Vertebraten, Vertebrates, Vertébrés, virveldyr, Weasels and Allies, Weavers and Allies, Wiederkäuer, Wild Cattle, Wirbeltiere, Zoogdieren