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European Fallow Deer

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English: European Fallow Deer, Fallow Deer
Nederlands: Damhert
Français: Daim européen
Deutsch: Damhirsch, Damwild
Español: Ciervo dama, Gamo europeo
Scientific: Dama dama
Location: Netherlands, North Holland, Gemeente Zandvoort, Zandvoort
Captive/cultivated: No
Camera: NIKON D7200, Lens: 18.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-6.3, Exposure time: 400sec., f-Stop: f/6.3, ISO Value: 250

Marcel van der Sluis
(None, Afrotheria, Afrotherians, Afrothériens, Animales, Animalia, Animaux, Artiodactyla, Artiodactyles, Artiodactyls and Cetaceans, Backboned Animals, Beasts, Bloemdieren, borregos y parientes, Carnivorans, Cervidae, Cervidés, Cervids, Cervinae, Cervines, Cervini, Cetartiodactyls, Chordadieren, Chordata, Chordates, Chordatiere, Chordés, Ciervo dama, Cordados, Craniates, Critters, Daim européen, Daims, Daman de Rocher, Daman du Cap, Damara Zebra, Damhert, Damhirsch, Damhirsche, Damwild, Dragoncitos de lodo, Drongos (Familie), Echte Hirsche, Echte Hirsche & Muntjakhirsche, European and Persian Fallow Deer, European Fallow Deer, Even-toed Hoofed Mammals, Even-toed Ungulates, Even-toed Ungulates and Cetaceans, Fallow Deer, Fauna, felinos y parientes, Fishes and Tetrapods, Flower Animals, Gamo europeo, Gamos, Gemeente Zandvoort, Gewervelden, Gnathostomata, Gnawing Mammals, Herkauwers, Hertachtigen, Hoatzine (Ordnung), Höhere Säugetiere, Hoofed Mammals, Imparidigités, Kelp Gull (vetula), Laurasiatheria, Laurasiatherians, Laurasiathériens, Madenhacker (Fam.), Mamíferos, Mammalia, Mammifères, Marsupiales y placentarios, Metatherians, Mule Deer, Netherlands, North Holland, Old World Deer, Onevenhoevigen, Paarzehige Huftiere, Placentadieren, Placentaires, Placental Mammals, Placentalia, Placentals, Placentarios, Plazentatiere, Raubtiere, Rollers And Allies, Rumiantes, Ruminantia, Ruminants, ryggstrengdyr, Säugetiere, Stags, True Ruminants, Typical Deer, Typical Old World Deer, Ungulates, Unpaarhufer, Unpaarzeher, Varmints, Venados, Vermin, Vertebrados, Vertebrata, Vertebraten, Vertebrates, Vertébrés, virveldyr, Weasels and Allies, Wiederkäuer, Wirbeltiere, Zandvoort, Zoogdieren