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Southern and Eastern African Cheetah

3963090550717000000000533010000000084000000000001499_01.jpg South African Ground SquirrelMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern and Eastern African CaracalSouth African Ground SquirrelMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern and Eastern African CaracalSouth African Ground SquirrelMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern and Eastern African CaracalSouth African Ground SquirrelMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern and Eastern African CaracalSouth African Ground SquirrelMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern and Eastern African CaracalSouth African Ground SquirrelMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern and Eastern African CaracalSouth African Ground SquirrelMiniatuurafbeeldingenSouthern and Eastern African Caracal

English: African Highlands Cheetah, Cape Cheetah, Cheetah, East African Cheetah, King Cheetah, Namibian Cheetah, Rainey's Cheetah, South African Cheetah, Southeast African Cheetah, Southern Cheetah, Southern and Eastern African Cheetah, Woolly Cheetah
Nederlands: Namibische jachtluipaard, Zuid-Afrikaanse jachtluipaard, Zuidoost-Afrikaanse jachtluipaard
Français: Guépard commun, Guépard d'Afrique du Sud, Guépard du Cap, guépard d'Afrique australe et orientale
Deutsch: Kap Gepard, Südafrikanischer Gepard
Español: Guepardo del cabo, Guepardo namibiano, Guepardo sudafricano
Scientific: Acinonyx jubatus jubatus
Location: Namibia, Khomas, , Windhoek
Captive/cultivated: Yes
Camera: NIKON D7200, Lens: 18.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-6.3, Exposure time: 500sec., f-Stop: f/8.0, ISO Value: 250

Marcel van der Sluis
(None, Acinonyx, Acinonyx jubatus, Acinonyx jubatus jubatus, African Highlands Cheetah, Afrotheria, Afrotherians, Afrothériens, Animales, Animalia, Animaux, Backboned Animals, Beasts, Bloemdieren, cánidos, Cape Cheetah, Carnivora, Carnivorans, Carnivores, Cheeta, Cheetah, Chita, Chordadieren, Chordata, Chordates, Chordatiere, Chordés, Cordados, Craniates, Critters, Dragoncitos de lodo, East African Cheetah, Fauna, Fauves, Felidae, Félidés, Felids, Felinae, Felines, Felinos, Felinos pequeños, felinos y parientes, Félins, Fishes and Tetrapods, Flower Animals, Gepard, Geparde, Gewervelden, Gnathostomata, Guepard, Guépard commun, guépard d'Afrique australe et orientale, Guépard d'Afrique du Sud, Guépard du Cap, Guepardo, Guepardo del cabo, Guepardo namibiano, Guepardo sudafricano, Guerpardo, Hoatzine (Ordnung), Höhere Säugetiere, Hoofed Mammals, Hunde- und Katzenartigen, Hunting Leopard, Hunting Pard, Jachtluipaard, Jachtluipaarden, Kap Gepard, Kelp Gull (vetula), Khomas, King Cheetah, Kleinkatzen, Krebstiere, Laurasiatheria, Laurasiatherians, Laurasiathériens, Lesser Cats, Luipaard, Madenhacker (Fam.), Mamíferos, Mammalia, Mammifères, Marsupiales y placentarios, Meerkatachtigen, Metatherians, Namibia, Namibian Cheetah, Namibische jachtluipaard, osos y parientes, Petits félins, Placentadieren, Placentaires, Placental Mammals, Placentalia, Placentals, Placentarios, Plazentatiere, Polecats, Rainey's Cheetah, Raubtiere, Rollers And Allies, Roofdieren, ryggstrengdyr, Säugetiere, Schleichkatzen, Small Cats, South African Cheetah, Southeast African Cheetah, Southern and Eastern African Cheetah, Southern Cheetah, Stonechats and Bushchats, Strauße (Strausse), Südafrikanischer Gepard, Ungulates, Varmints, Venados, Vermin, Vertebrados, Vertebrata, Vertebraten, Vertebrates, Vertébrés, virveldyr, Weasels and Allies, Windhoek, Wirbeltiere, Woolly Cheetah, Zoogdieren, Zuid-Afrikaanse jachtluipaard, Zuidoost-Afrikaanse jachtluipaard